Opportunities ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** • Policy background • Dedicated initiatives • Calls to support cooperation frameworks • Support to EaP partner countries ****************************************************************************************** * Policy background ****************************************************************************************** Ukraine is a key partner country within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) [ URL "htt ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/neighbourhood/overview_en"] and the Eastern Partner [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/neighbourhood/eastern-partnership_en cooperation with Ukraine contributes to the objectives of the Eastern Partnership. The Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU [ URL "http lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:22003A0212(02)"] , establishes a legal basis and technology cooperation between EU research organisations and Ukrainian institutes as w bodies. Signed on 4 July 2002, the Agreement is regularly renewed. The latest renewal [ UR lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:22022X0629(01)"] was finalised in 2022 makin effective as of 8 November 2019 for a period of five years. Through the establishment of a the agreement also provides a framework for dialogue to discuss the development of researc policies, share best practices and increase collaboration. Since 2016, Ukraine was fully associated to the EU’s Horizon 2020 and EURATOM Research and 2020) programmes. Under Horizon 2020, Ukraine participated in 230 projects, involving 323 a total funding request of €45.5m. Ukraine has been particularly strong in researchers’ mo energy, climate and transport. In EURATOM Research and Training (2014-2020), Ukrainian entities received approximately €4 fusion and fission activities. In 2016, Ukraine also benefited from the Horizon 2020 Polic Facility’s recommendations [ URL "https://rio.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/policy-support-facility/ ukrainian-research-and-innovation-system"] on research and innovation in Ukraine, which tr of structural reforms for the modernisation of the national research system. The agreement with Ukraine associating it to Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Train is in force since 9 June 2022 and supports Ukrainian researchers and innovators in the con military aggression by Russia. In line with the Association Agreement, Ukrainian entities in the programmes on equal terms with entities from EU Member States. Ukraine does not hav financially for years 2021, 2022 and 2023. In addition, a number of dedicated support meas been deployed including; a €25 million fellowship scheme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie "https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-progra calls/horizon-europe/marie-sklodowska-curie-actions_en"] , €20 million action by the Europ Council [ URL "https://eic.ec.europa.eu/index_en"] to support deep tech start-ups of Ukrai action to facilitate peer-to-peer cooperation with the Ukrainian cities on climate neutral the local recovery plans. ****************************************************************************************** * Dedicated initiatives ****************************************************************************************** • MSCA4Ukraine [ URL "https://sareurope.eu/msca4ukraine/information-for-applicants/"] (€25 offered fellowships to displaced researchers of Ukraine in EU and Associated Countries. • EIC4Ukraine [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_22_3533"] (€ offers financial support and advice to deep tech start-ups • ERC4Ukraine [ URL "https://erc.europa.eu/apply-grant/erc-ukraine"] over 500 vacancies li grants available • Research Infrastructure (RI) service providers [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/ info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/ horizon-infra-2023-serv-01-01;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=research %20infrastructure;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,310945 in health, green, digital and frontier knowledge are encouraged to offer fast track acce researchers • EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities : €5 million action will support peer-to-peer cooperation with the Ukrainian cities [ UR "https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/ topic-details/horizon-miss-2023-cit-02-01;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=Ukrainian %20cities;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;progr to help them integrate climate neutrality in local recovery plans • Health scientists of Ukraine can apply for support under the Human Frontier Science Program [ URL "https://www.hfsp.org/hfspo-help-scientists-aff ukraine"] • Call on Political perspectives for the Eastern Neighbourhood and Western Balkans [ URL "https:// ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic- details/horizon-cl2-2023-democracy-01-08;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=political %20perspectives;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503 requires participation of at least one entity from Ukraine, Georgia or Moldova • Excellence Hubs Initiative [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding- tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/horizon- widera-2023-access-07-01;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=Excellence %20Hubs;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;program Ukrainian entities encouraged to apply for ‘mentoring scheme’ on innovation ****************************************************************************************** * Calls to support cooperation frameworks ****************************************************************************************** Strategic Partnership on Raw Materials • Earth Observation platform, products and services for raw materials [ URL "https:// ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic- details/horizon-cl4-2023-resilience-01-06;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=earth %20observation;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503; • Technologies for extraction and processing of critical raw materials (IA) [ URL "https:/ ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic- details/horizon-cl4-2024-resilience-01-11;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=Technologi %20for%20extraction%20and%20processing%20%20of%20critical%20raw%20materials%20%28IA %29;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;programmePe Administrative cooperation arrangement on Copernic data access and Earth Observation data • Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners [ URL "https:/ ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic- details/horizon-euspa-2022-space-02-56;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=Designing %20space-based%20downstream%20%20applications%20with%20international %20partners;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;pro Other available support Under the Hop On Facility [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/p opportunities/topic-details/horizon-widera-2023-access-06-01;callCode=null;freeTextSearchK %20Facility;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1,0;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;progr Ukrainian entities can join ongoing Horizon projects that have no partner from the Widenin The Joint Research Centre (JRC) collaborates with Ukraine on nuclear safety and security, nuclear emergency preparedness and monitoring of radiological data through the European ra exchange platform. It also runs a joint fellowship initiative with the European University "https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/jrc-news/eui-and-jrc-establish-cooperation-sup scholars-2022-08-03_en"] (EUI) in science for policy competences and JRC’s calls to access research infrastructure facilities, including nuclear, are open to Ukraine. Finally, JRC provides policy advice on smart specialisation and technology transfer and ca work of demographic future of Ukraine and the post-war water-related needs. ****************************************************************************************** * Support to EaP partner countries ****************************************************************************************** The European Commission is implementing a project within the Global Support Service Facili a stronger participation of the 5 EaP countries making resources available [ URL "https:// innovation.ec.europa.eu/strategy/strategy-2020-2024/europe-world/international-cooperation dialogues-and-international-organisations/eastern-partnership/support-eastern-partnership- countries_en"] to help increase participation in Horizon Europe. Scheme: Horizon Europe Sub-scheme: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Type of the grant: Postdoctoral Fellowships Deadlines usually in September The objective of Postdoctoral Fellowships (PFs) is to support researchers’ careers and fos research. The PFs action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their res abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors. There are 2 types: 1. European PFs. They are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe fro of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationali 2. Global PFs. They fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe. The fellowship lasts 3 years, of which the first 1 to 2 years will be spent in a non-associated Third Country, a mandatory return phase of 1 year to an organisation based in an EU Member State or Horiz Associated Country. Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or Horiz Associated Countries can apply. Both types of fellowships may also include short-term secondments anywhere in the world du fellowship (except during the return phase of a Global Fellowship). In an effort to build bridges between the academic and non-academic sector, researchers ca additional support to carry out a placement of up to 6 months in a non-academc organisatio Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. This placement needs to take place at t fellowship. Interested researchers submit an application together with a host organisation, which can research institution, business, SME or other organisation based in an EU Member State or H Associated Country. All disciplines are eligible for Postdoctoral Fellowships, including r covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme. Example The ENCOUNTER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101027291. It examines young experiences in the EU. The research team will specifically compare the dynamics and featur including the comparison between genders, in the Czech Republic. Further information: https://encounter.mentoring.cuni.cz/FHSE-17.html [ URL "https:// encounter.mentoring.cuni.cz/FHSE-17.html"] Contact at Charles University, Research Support office/European Centre: ondrej.daniel@ruk. "mailto:ondrej.daniel@ruk.cuni.cz"] Scheme: Horizon Europe Sub-scheme: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Type of the grant: Doctoral Networks Deadlines usually in November MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-econ different countries across Europe and beyond. MSCA Doctoral Networks are indeed open to the participation of organisations from third co of fostering strategic international partnerships for the training and exchange of researc These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various R&I areas, expo researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer training in research-relat well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employab entrepreneurship, commercialisation of results, Intellectual Property Rights, communicatio Proposals for doctoral networks can reflect existing or planned research partnerships amon participating organisations. The selection procedure for doctoral candidates must be open, transparent and merit-based, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The vacancy notice (to be widely a internationally, including on the EURAXESS website) must include the gross salary (not inc social contributions) offered to the researcher. MSCA Doctoral Networks are encouraged to lead to Industrial or Joint Doctorates. Example MOVES – Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges – is a European Joint (EJD) funded by the European Union. This doctoral programme is defined by a unique collabo between university researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences and partners across s charities working with migrants and cultural and creative industries) in five EU countries the contemporary issue of migration as a problem to be treated within the wide context of acknowledging the way it has shaped European identity, first in the outward thrust of Euro colonial movements, then through emigration from many European countries, and recently thr as the predominant form of mobility in Europe. Further information: http://projectmoves.eu/# [ URL "http://projectmoves.eu/"] Contact at Charles University, Research Support office/European Centre: ondrej.daniel@ruk. "mailto:ondrej.daniel@ruk.cuni.cz"] Scheme: Horizon Europe Sub-scheme: European Research Council Type of the grant: Starting grants Deadlines usually in Spring The European Research Council provides attractive and flexible funding to enable talented individual researchers, with an emphasis on early-stage researchers, and their teams to pu promising avenues at the frontier of science, on the basis of EU-wide competition based so criterion of excellence. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a sci record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply. Applications can be made in any field of research and must be submitted by a single Princi (PI) in conjunction with and on behalf of their Host Institution, called the applicant leg ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researc nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located country. Starting Grants may be awarded up to € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years. However, an ad 1 million can be made available to cover eligible “start-up” costs for researchers moving country to the EU or an associated country and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or a facilities and/or other major experimental and field work costs. An ERC grant can cover up to 100% of the total eligible direct costs of the research plus 25% of the total eligible costs towards indirect costs. Example The NG-NLG project aims to overcome the major hurdles that prevent current state-of-the-ar natural language generation (NLG) from real-world deployment. While deep learning and neur brought considerable progress in many areas of natural language processing, neural approac confined to experimental use and production NLG systems are handcrafted. Further information: https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/grants/ng-nlg [ URL "https://ufal.mff.cuni.c Contact at Charles University, Research Support office/European Centre: veronika.syrovatko [ URL "mailto:veronika.syrovatkova@ruk.cuni.cz"] Scheme: Horizon Europe Sub-scheme: COST Actions Deadlines usually in October A COST Action is an interdisciplinary research network that brings researchers and innovat investigate a topic of their choice for 4 years. COST Actions are typically made up of res academia, SMEs, public institutions and other relevant organisations or interested parties Open to all science and technology fields, including new and emerging fields; COST Actions inclusive, pan-European environment for individuals of all levels of seniority to grow the research networks and boost their careers. COST Actions act as a pre-portal to other funding instruments. Follow-up proposals from CO have a 37% success rate, which leads to 5.8 million spin-off funding per Action. COST Acti inclusive: During Horizon 2020, 42% of participants were women. COST Actions are a career young researchers. 88% indicate that participation has led to advancement. Example TRACTS brings together scholars from disciplines of the social sciences and humanities wit decolonial activists, memorialization experts and legal professionals to bridge current cu and geographical gaps in research on traces. In response to the recent waves of populism, as environmentalists, human rights activists, and curators have been confronting and creat the legacies of the 20th century. This shows no sign of abating in a Europe marked by rapi environmental and socio-economic changes. As such, mapping the challenges in the realms of climate change, and technological impact on society requires reflecting on and producing n regarding traces. An inclusive network on traces in the context of pressing challenges of climate change and technology can inform transformative research agendas and create new pa social sciences and humanities in Europe and beyond. This Action gathers a critical mass o practitioners at a crucial juncture of the European project. Focusing on the conceptual, m ethical challenge of traces, TRACTS develops a comprehensive research coordination and tra including experimental knowledge production and training for future research leaders. TRAC symposia, workshops, and research meetings to provide a platform for collaboration and exc the state of the art in different fields. These will lead to deliverables such as joint pu special issue on TRACTS advancements, a Traces Atlas, an online repository on traces resea of newsletters and podcasts. Further information: http://tractsnetwork.online/ [ URL "http://tractsnetwork.online/"] Contact at Charles University, Research Support office/European Centre: ondrej.daniel@ruk. "mailto:ondrej.daniel@ruk.cuni.cz"]