Capacity Building of Public Universities in Ukraine ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Project title: Strengthening the standards of teaching, research and international coopera Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU) Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic "Capacity Building of P Universities in Ukraine" Project coordinator: Charles University [ URL ""] Partners institution: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University [ URL " Project funding: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic [ URL "https://www.mzv. Project duration: April 2024 - December 2024 Project Description: The project titled "Strengthening the Standards of Teaching, Research, and International C Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)," funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic under the Programme for Strengthening the Capacities of Public Universities in Uk upon the previous initiative, "Support for Improving the Quality of Teaching, Research, an Activities at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)." This earlier project was suc implemented by Charles University in collaboration with DNU from June to December 2023. Du institution's strong interest in continuing this collaboration, the joint project will ext significantly enhancing DNU's scientific research, education, and international cooperatio The new project is expected to benefit DNU through the continued modernization of its e-le infrastructure, including providing methodological support for the use of electronic infor and the digitization of teaching materials. Additionally, it will offer support in science share expertise in project management, and assist in the implementation of KA171 Erasmus+ Credit Mobility projects as well as the preparation of KA2 Erasmus+ Capacity Building in H projects. Another key focus will be identifying joint research and educational initiatives University and DNU, fostering collaboration between their respective departments and facul Overall, this initiative will further strengthen the partnership between Charles Universit Honchar Dnipro National University, deepening mutual understanding of strategic developmen accelerating decision-making on joint actions. It will promote shared values and support j projects across Europe. The project has three main objectives: 1) Improvement of the educational process by increasing the qualification of DNU managemen and supporting the development of digitalization and E-learning at the university; 2) Strengthening of scientific research activities and research management at DNU with the from the University; 3) Increasing the level of international activities and cooperation of DNU with institutio An international conference "Prospects of Hydro-Ecological Research in the Context of Loca Consequences of Warfare [ URL "EAPUC-69-version1-conference.pdf"] " will be organized in c both partner institutions and under the auspices of the Eastern Partnership University Clu be held at Dnipro National University on 18-20 September 2024.