Past Events

International Conference at Charles University, March 2023

The Bologna Process: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, the conference The Bologna Process: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities took place at Charles University, under the auspices of the Eastern PartnershipUniversity Cluster.

The aim of the conference was to assemble experiences and to share best practices regarding the increasing comparability in the standards and quality of university education and promoting meaningful student and academic mobilities and joint educational endeavors between the EU universities and the universities of Eastern Partnership countries. Combining keynote lectures and roundtable discussions, the objective was to facilitate increased cooperation at all levels among the partner institutions. Among the topics addressed was the importance of the Bologna process for the Erasmus exchange, the problems of joint degrees, and the general problem of divergencies and specificities with certain study fields and in respective national contexts.

The conference was attended by prominent personalities of European partner universities, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and the European Commission, as well as the diplomatic corps.

You can find the photos as well as the online recording of the event below.

Programme of the event


© Michal Novotný

Milena Králíčková (Charles University) Monika Ladmanová (European Commission) Jan Marian (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic)

Aurelia Hanganu (Moldova State University) Bernold Hasenknopf (Sorbonne University) Serhiy Ryznik (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)

Alexandr Kandakov (Charles University)

Yann-Mael Bideau (European Commission)

Monica Sinibaldi (University of Milan) Katalin Anna Németh (Eötvös Loránd University)

Katharina Reinhardt (Heidelberg University) Karin Lohmann (Kempten University of Applied Sciences) Katalin Anna Németh (Eötvös Loránd University)

Ester Brožová (Charles University)

Stefania Scuderi (University of Milan)


Last change: April 5, 2023 10:55