• Joint Cooperation

Joint Cooperation

Examples of successfully implemented projects by member universities of the Eastern Partnership University Cluster.

  • The University of Milan

  • The University of Warsaw

  • The University of Cologne

  • Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) 

  • Sorbonne University

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

  • Uzhhorod National University

  • Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

  • Moldova State University

Project title: Support for improving the quality of teaching, research and International activities at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU)

Participating universities: Charles University, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The principal aim of the project is to enhance the overall educational experience at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU) by employing a multifaceted strategy. This strategy encompasses the enhancement of the expertise of university management and faculty members, as well as a robust advocacy for the integration of digitalization and e-learning methodologies. Additionally, the project seeks to strengthen DNU's scientific and research initiatives by leveraging the insights and support of experts from Charles University. Furthermore, it aims to expand DNU's collaborative activities with esteemed European institutions, fostering a network of partnerships that will yield mutual benefits and advancements.

Project title: Research on the adaptation and integration of Ukrainian children in the Czech early childhood education and care system - support of Ukrainian – Czech cooperation

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Education), Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

As a result of the migration flow caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, half a million Ukrainian refugees have arrived in the Czech Republic, a third of whom are children. The integration of children into the school and childcare system is a significant challenge for the education and social sectors. The Czech Republic has created special legislative conditions allowing children from Ukraine to benefit from adaptation groups in various forms and to integrate into various pre-school facilities at ISCED 010 and 020 level. According to statistics, in June 2022, 33% of Ukrainian children participated in pre-school education (ISCED 020), and by the end of 2022 it was already 65%. Thus, the early childhood education and care (ECEC) system has succeeded to some extent in providing care and education for Ukrainian children, although especially in larger cities the system faces a lack of capacity of places in ECEC centres. However, the current challenge is not only to provide some form of ECEC in terms of capacity, but above all to provide quality pre-school education and care for Ukrainian children. A secondary objective is to enable parents of children to participate in the labour market and to ensure the economic security of their families. The created supportive conditions in the ECEC system for children from Ukraine have not been researched so far. The present research aims (1) to identify systemic barriers from the perspective of parents of Ukrainian preschool-age children when entering the Czech ECEC system. (2) Further, the research aims to find out how parents evaluate the support for their children in Czech ECEC institutions (adaptation measures, functionality, types of support, appropriateness of measures, accessibility, etc.). Therefore, the aim of the research is to analyse the system of support for adaptation and integration of children from Ukraine set up in the Czech Republic after February 2022 and to identify barriers, functional and challenging aspects in the ECEC system from the perspective of Ukrainian parents. The evaluation of the supporting measures from the perspective of parents will allow us to reflect on the set-up of the system of support for the adaptation and integration of Ukrainian preschool children and to propose improvements for the further development of ECEC in the Czech Republic. In order to support the Ukrainian scientific community of university teachers and to improve the conditions for the integration of refugees in the ECEC system in the Czech Republic, the project will realise qualitative research with the following intellectual outcomes: - Ukrainian-Czech qualitative research study (intellectual outcome 1, IO1) on adaptation and integration process of Ukrainian children in the Czech ECEC system (June-September¬ 2023); - Policy paper (intellectual outcome 2, IO2) for Czech and Ukrainian stakeholders in ECEC system (September–November 2023) - Scientific paper (intellectual outcome 3, IO3) for an international journal included in the scientific and metric databases as Scopus, Web of Science etc. (September–November 2023). The project results are expected to: support Ukrainian-Czech scientific and educational cooperation, to enrich the Czech social and educational system with knowledge enabling effective provision of support measures for refugees in the Czech Republic.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 85000

Project title: Characterization of the near surface site conditions on the regional and local scale in Ukraine using VS30

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Science), the Dnipro University of Technology (Dnipro)

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The peculiarities of the application of the VS30 method are due to the specifics of the approach to assessing the seismicity of the search site in international practice, which is significantly different from the one currently adopted in Ukraine. One of the most important conditions for the successful integration of Ukraine into the global political and economic space is the transition to international standards. This fully applies to works in the field of engineering seismology, namely seismic microzonation. The near-surface geology influences the amplitudes of seismic waves, which could be strongly amplified and increase the seismic hazard of the area. The near-surface amplification is recently characterized by the average seismic shear-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m (VS30), which is a key parameter for studying local seismic conditions (amplification coefficients and type of soils according to Eurocode 8). So far, VS30 has not been investigated for the territory of Ukraine in sufficient detail. Considering the promising results of ongoing research in the Czech Republic, this project aims to develop the methodology and collect data needed to improve our knowledge of the site conditions on Ukraine territory. VS30 will be determined based on topographical and seismic field data for the whole of Ukraine. The proposed research will include constructing the VS30 scheme using the Wald & Allen (2007) method and our own calibration based on seismic velocity surveys. To this purpose, the following activities will be carried out. 1. Working with archival data for the construction of velocity models (by shear waves) of the regions of Ukraine according to various geomorphological characteristics. 2. Construction VS30 scheme of Ukraine based on all available VS30 measurements and topographic data. 3. Convert VS30, measurements into the amplification coefficients (class A according to Eurocode 8) The expected results will provide a regional site classification of the Ukraine into soil categories based on Eurocode 8, which could be used in the foreseen update of the national building codes. The methodology and results will be submitted in a peer-reviewed journal. References: Allen, T.I., and Wald, D.J., 2007, Topographic slope as a proxy for global seismic site conditions (Vs30) and amplification around the globe: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1357, 69 p. Dovbnich M., Fischer T., Mazanec M., Viktosenko I., 2022. Near surface site characterization using VS30 on the regional scale in the Czech Republic. Conference EAGE, Kiev, Monitoring 2022 Mazanec M., Valenta J., and Málek J., (2021), "Does VS30 really reflect earthquake amplification? Case study from the West Bohemia Seismic Network," SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts: 1937-1941. https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2021-3582277.1

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: The study of methods and techniques of teaching English language disciplines at the department of English language and ELT of Charles University

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Arts), Mukachevo State University

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

Within the project the following activities are planned: hosting a Ukrainian colleague, Natalia Hertsovska, at the department of English Language and ELT Methodology with the aim of providing consultations on modern techniques of teaching English language. It will be possible for Natalia Hertsovska to be present during the staff meetings, attend lectures and practical classes with the aim of using the skills and knowledge obtained in the process of teaching Ukrainian students back at her University. We suggest two separate visits, each approximately 4-5 days long. During the first visit the colleague will get to know the methods and techniques, especially those that might be useful in the current Ukrainian teaching process. Before the second visit it will be possible for the colleague to apply the knowledge obtained in the teaching process; on the basis of the letter a questionnaire should be developed to understand the level of perception by the students. During the second visit additional consolations would be suggested and the result of applied techniques and the questionnaire would be presented by the applicant, which might be useful as a set of recommendations on teaching in crisis conditions. The obtained results will form the basis for a common scientific publication.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 25000

Project title: Public launch of the research centre “Ukraine In A Changing Europe”

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences), National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

Ukrainians form the largest diaspora in the Czech Republic, and, more recently, the country accepted the largest relative number of refugees from Ukraine. Yet, academic expertise on Ukraine is still limited and mostly related to literary studies and history. By launching the research centre “Ukraine in a changing Europe” at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, we strive to enforce public interest and academic expertise on contemporary Ukraine from the perspective of social sciences, as well as to use this platform to train students studying within the BECES program along the Ukrainian Studies track in cooperation with our partner institutions in Ukraine. Partner institutions: National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Ukrainian Catholic University Planned activities: 1) an academic workshop for PhD and MA students; 2) a public lecture by a renowned scholar with a subsequent panel discussion. Tentative date - February 20, 2022. The main objectives are: 1) to bring public attention to the newly established research centre as a platform consolidating Ukrainian Studies at IMS, Charles University, and to the academic work produced there; 2) to recruit potential students to enrol into the new sub-specialization “Ukrainian Studies” within the BECES study program; 3) to introduce our Ukrainian colleagues from UCU and Kyiv-Mohyla academy to IMS students and to a broader public in Prague.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Maxwell-Bloch equations with and without spectral broadening

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The project aims to investigate the propagation of an input electromagnetic pulse through a long two-level laser amplifier. The study will analyze both scenarios, with and without spectral broadening, and focus on deriving the large time asymptotics of the solution.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Cultural transformations of society at war: practices, agencies, shifting identities

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences), Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine); University of Warsaw

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The project considers culture in the broad hermeneutical sense as “webs of meanings” spun by individuals and communities (Geertz 1973; Weber 1978), while reckoning the war as ultimate disruption that provokes substantial revisions of those meanings and mindsets. We aim at zooming into how Ukrainians attempt to make sense of traumatic situations that resist rationalization and interpretation, and what new identities and worldviews emerge from that process. Since the first weeks of the Russian full-scale invasion, there has been a discussion about changing the vocation and functions of culture, about its responsibility but also (im)possibility during the wartime. In this context, a huge demand for revision of cultural patterns and dominant cultural narratives, fixing and researching new social practices and new agencies of influence and change, searching for a new language capable of understanding and healing the traumatic experience of society is being formed. Shattered beliefs, metamorphosed agencies, and transfiguring identities constitute the main research foci of the present study, while the new political meaning of established (and emergent) cultural institutions and projects complement it in a more institutionalized way (the Ukraine pavilion at the recent Venice biennale being one of important case studies). The symbolic meaning of the ongoing Russian war of aggression reaches beyond the Ukrainian borders, therefore other societies resonate with this trauma in their own peculiar ways. Those societal reverberations in what again seems to be unified under the “Eastern Europe” moniker would be another thread of the research. Meaning production and cultural enactment as means of individual and collective survival constitute the conceptual latch of the present study, while Ukrainian society and adjacent polities provide the main sites of those embedded experiences. Institutional partner – Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine. UCU participants: Dr. Zoryana Rybchynska, Head of the Department of Culture Studies, Faculty of Humanities Dr. Orysia Bila, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities Dr. Oksana Dashchakivska, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, the BA Program “Ethics – Politics – Economics”, Head of the Reginal Office of the International “Renaissance” Foundation. 4EU+ partner – University of Warsaw. Main outputs: 1) joint workshop in mid-December, with colleagues from UCU onsite; 2) setting further collaborative projects including scientific cooperation (e.g. a special journal issue), academic mobility, students exchange, and potential joint double-degree programs.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Emergence in integration digital and green economy for transition to industry 5.0

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences), Taurida state university named after V.I.Vernadsky

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The world economy is going through unprecedented times of complete transformation due to significant uncertainty related to the global climate outlook and geopolitical security. Such a situation presupposes the use of entirely new measures and tools to achieve sustainable development and the construction of fundamentally new public management mechanisms, expanding cooperation between countries and widening a long-term sustainable development program. The combination of the green economy and digitalization implies the appearance of entirely new characteristics of the economy, which allow us to evaluate the role of society, the market, enterprises, and technologies in a new way and change the worldview of humanity. Sustainable future development directly depends on achieving sustainable development. The transformation to Industry 5.0 can be simplified and reduced in time with the help of new technologies and digitalisation. Nowadays, most daily actions and results depend on innovative digital technologies. Achieving Industry 5.0 is possible only due to the use and development of human capital and digitalisation, the artificial intelligent use and combination of which can have a significant synergistic effect with the emergence of new features that can have both positive and negative effects and will affect on well-being and social protection. Digitalisation and the transition to a green economy significantly change business models and necessitate the introduction of innovations and the exchange of knowledge and information between countries. The development of digitalisation brings a new set of tools and mechanisms to the economy, which need to be aligned and balanced to ensure green sustainable development. Geospatial data is becoming a core element of real-time modelling and forecasting systems. The development and support of satellite data also have a wide range of applications in almost all sectors of the economy. It is advisable to build mature data platforms both at the country level and between organisations. That will help to effectively exchange information and scientific developments and not duplicate them. The main tasks of the research are: 1. Investigate the main risks of digitization for the economy and society 2. The impact of digitalization on the labour and competence market 3. automation of decision-making and agile management The practical significance of the research is the sustainable development of the economy with a multidisciplinary approach to innovation based on digitalization. Planned activities: Participation in conferences, Article publication Planned results faster transition to sustainable development and Industry 5.0 based on human capital development and green economy.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Integration of Ukrainian refugee children and underage idps in the comparative perspective (Czech republic – Ukraine)

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The project is aimed to compare the methods and results of integration of children of Ukrainian war refugees/IDPs in respective host communities, their psychological well-being and school successes. The main objective is to conduct a pilot field research in the refugees community in Prague, to discuss preliminary hypotheses and to draft a research proposal for further funding. As a pilot research, a number of interviews with Ukrainian children in Prague and those working with them (teachers, volunteers, social services) are scheduled. Planned activities: an opening workshop; field research. Expected results: data from the pilot research and draft application for further funding. This project would benefit the partner University in Lviv in manifold ways. In the first place, it will enrich their international profile and facilitate getting further funds from European institutions, which is crucial amidst the unfolding economic crisis that results in cutting academic positions and research funding in Ukraine. Secondly, it is crucial for us to bring the academic staff from Lviv to Prague for them to get first-hand experience of academic life in the Czech Republic and to distance themselves from highly stressful war conditions. They will bring back their experience of fieldwork and academic contacts, which will, in turn, enrich their teaching and research activities at home. The research itself will benefit both sides, as we would get access to the research field in Ukraine, currently inaccessible to us due to the war conditions, while the Ukrainian colleagues would get access to the research field in the Czech Republic, inaccessible to them for financial and organizational reasons. The comparative nature of the planned study is one of its strong advantages. We take this project as the first stage of our cooperation, as the planned pilot research will provide the foundation for further applications. We plan to involve other 4EU+ institutions later on after the first stage is accomplished.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Catalyst free amination reactions using alkyl carbonazidates

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Science), Uzhhorod National University

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

Intramolecular amination reactions of organic compounds were for a long time domain of transition metal homogeneous catalysis. In this work we will focus on the catalyst free C–H amination reactions of aliphatic compounds by insertion of alkyl carbonnitrenes generated by thermal decomposition of alkyl carbonazidates in suitable solvents. Yield and selectivity of this transformation will be compared with standard metal catalysed reactions. The whole reaction sequence starting from alcohols to cyclic carbamates will be metal free and have ambitions to contribute to ecological green chemistry processes. Products obtained using this new methodology will be used for ongoing projects in Hrdina’s laboratory. Important results of this project will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Microstructure investigation of ultrafine-grained Al-Li alloy during tensile deformation at low temperature

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

Laboratories of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (ILTPE) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine allow the realization of unique experiments required in materials science. Particularly, special deformation machines are developed for mechanical testing of bulk materials at low temperatures (down to 4,2K). The present project is focused on the investigation of the plastic deformation of Al-3.8 at.% Li polycrystals prepared by the equal-channel angular hydroextrusion during tension in the temperature range of 4.2-400 K. Based on deformation tests performed at ILTPE, the strong temperature sensitivity of the yield strength indicates the thermally activated nature of the plastic deformation. Further, a detailed microstructure investigation is essential to reveal grain size distribution, texture, and dislocation structure, which have a direct effect on the deformation mechanisms and, thus, on the global mechanical response. Therefore, the microstructure of the samples in initial and after deformation at various temperatures will be studied using scanning electron microscope (FEI Zeiss Auriga Compact) equipped with the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), which is available at the Department of Physics of Materials, MFF, CUNI. The results of microstructure analysis will help to reveal thermally activated mechanisms leading to an observed mechanical response. Obtained knowledge can be used for further development of lightweight Al alloys.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 60000

Project title: Growth and characterization of perovskites for radiation detector and photovoltaic applications

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics), Chernivtsi National University, Warsaw University

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

Halide perovskites have been the focus of intense scientific research due to advantageous properties ranging from low-cost manufacturing, high carrier diffusion length, high absorption coefficient, sharp absorption edge onset, and defect tolerance. Thanks to these properties, perovskites are highly promising materials for a wide range of technologies, including perovskite solar cells, high-energy radiation sensors, light-emitting diodes, etc. For example, the efficiency of solar cells built on halide perovskites increased significantly from 3.8% in 2009 to 25.2% in 2020. The cooperation between the Institute of Physics, Charles University and Chernivtsi National University dates back to the sixties of the 20th century. At that time, research of modern semiconductors based on the elements of the 2nd and 6th groups of the periodic table started in both laboratories. The cooperation expanded further after the creation of independent Ukraine and was confirmed in 2003 by the official Cooperation Agreement between both institutions. During the last sixteen years, 22 joint publications issued in international peer-reviewed journals have been published on the basis of the cooperation. After successful doctoral studies, three Ukrainian graduates from Chernivtsi National University obtained the Ph.D. degree at Charles University. The region is also culturally and historically very close to the Czech Republic. This is the area of the so-called Bukovina, a historical region on the Ukrainian-Romanian border, which was part of Austria-Hungary for more than 100 years until the end of the First World War. The main building of the university in Chernivtsi was designed by the Czech architect Josef Hlávka. In the past few years the research interests of both groups has consecutively reoriented to the research of perovskites. While the Ukrainian group specialized to the growth of single crystals, Czech researchers developed and optimized perovskite characterization techniques utilized on samples donated from cooperating world-wide laboratories. The proposed project aims to strengthen the cooperation combining skills of both groups. We intend to build the crystal growth facility for the domestic production of perovskites also in the Institute of Physics of Charles University. The usage of the experience of our partners will be of invaluable help by this effort. On the other hand, the detailed characterization of single crystals grown in Ukraine will help researchers in Chernivtsi to optimize their growth process. The possibility to grow single crystals in both laboratories will allow us the comparison of different growth methods, yield and quality of single crystals. Simultaneously, it will be possible to prepare materials in sufficient quantity and of different composition and doping, which would be difficult when growing in only single facility. In the near future, we intend to complete the team by our colleagues from the University Warsaw, namely the group of Prof. Maria Kaminska, having the experience with the investigation of perovskites for photovoltaic applications. Such extension will be very fruitful for all partners. While the photovoltaic devices are fabricated with thin perovskite layers, the investigation of important properties of perovskites may be done much more precisely on the bulk of single crystals. Combining the findings collected on both systems will thus help us to understand important perovskite properties critical for the improvement of the cell efficiency and their thermal and temporal stability. We expect following results and achievements acquired during the work on the project: Two perovskite single crystals will be grown in Chernivtsi and subsequently characterized in Prague. The facility in Prague will be prepared for the crystal growth and the test growth will be carried out. Joint publication summarizing the results will be prepared for the submission to an international research journal. The design of the future cooperation of all involved laboratories will be defined and the frame of joint research project will be drawn.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 100000

Project title: Characterization of the near surface site conditions on the regional and local scale in the Czech Republic using VS30

Participating universities: Charles University (Faculty of Science), the Dnipro University of Technology (Dnipro)

Abstract of the project, planned activities and expected results:

The near-surface geology influences the amplitudes of seismic waves, which could be strongly amplified and increase the seismic hazard of the area. The near-surface amplification is recently characterized by the average seismic shear-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m (VS30), which is a key parameter for studying local seismic conditions (amplification coefficients and type of soils according to Eurocode 8). So far, VS30 has not been investigated for the territory of the Czech Republic in sufficient detail. This 6-month project aims to develop the methodology and collect data needed to improve our knowledge of the site conditions on the Czech territory. VS30 will be determined based on topographical and seismic field data for the whole Czech Republic and the Litoměřice area in detail. The proposed research will include constructing the VS30 scheme using the Wald & Allen (2007) method and our own calibration based on seismic velocity surveys. To this purpose, The following activities will be carried out. 1. seismic field measurements of VS30 in the Litoměřice area 2. construction of detailed VS30 scheme for the Litomerice area based on all available VS30 measurements and topographic data 3. Convert VS30, measurements into the amplification coefficients (class A according to Eurocode 8) The expected results will provide a regional site classification of the Czech Republic and Litoměřice area into soil categories based on Eurocode 8, which could be used in the foreseen update of the national building codes. The methodology and results will be submitted in a peer-reviewed journal. References: Allen, T.I., and Wald, D.J., 2007, Topographic slope as a proxy for global seismic site conditions (Vs30) and amplification around the globe: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1357, 69 p.

Required budget in total (in CZK): 91000

Project title: 4EU+ for Ukraine

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: University of Warsaw

Term of implementation: 9 January 2023 – 31 December 2023

Short project description: Project aims at supporting academic cooperation between 4EU+ partners and Ukrainian universities; focusing on development of skills and competences. Project offers online courses: access to minimum 5 4EU+ online courses, 5 workshops/training sessions in a hybrid form and set of innovative didactic materials/resources for lecturers (min. 3 positions).  Target groups: students, researchers, doctoral researches, staff.

Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

Project title: IV Ukrainian Studies in Prague Conference “Ukraine Between Soviet Heritage and European Future: The Colonial Aspects of Culture, History and Literature”

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: Charles University (Faculty of Arts)

Term of implementation: 24th November 2022

Short project description: Ukrainian Studies in Prague Conference, which in the recent years took place at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague and was organised by the Department of East European Studies, aimed to deepen the discussion between Ukrainian researchers and the academics from Western Europe. The ongoing Russian war aggression in Ukraine reopened a number of questions regarding the Ukrainian culture and history not only among the professionals but also the public. Timothy Snyder, just like a number of other researchers, openly calls the Russian aggression in Ukraine a colonial war; and it is the colonial view of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia which today seems the most current and relevant as it offers possible answers to a number of questions which may explain the essence and origins of the ongoing war in Europe. Not only is Ukraine now leaving the shadows of the empire on the battlefield, but also in terms of culture, history, politics, and historiography. Colonial studies offer a possibility to analyse a number of crucial questions regarding the Ukrainian past and future: what colonial strategies were used against Ukrainian culture in the past centuries, how were they perceived in Ukraine, and what are the possible ways to overcome the colonial legacy.

Project title: Experience with Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe at Charles University: positive impact and mid-term review

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: Charles University

Term of implementation: November 2022

Short project description: H2020 and Horizon Europe at CU (results, no of projects, trainings) Position on European policy, Activities in various networks Schemes for support of UA researchers at Charles University; Horizon collaborative projects: information service at the Faculty of Science, how does it work and what experience in proposal preparation process CU has, tips on what to focus on.

Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

Project title: Erasmus+ KA2 project "Resilient Ukraine as Part of European Education Area: BuildingDigital Ecosystem for the Studies in Ukrainian Culture – Language – History" (submitted by EU Commission)

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: University of Milan

Term of implementation: November 2022

Short project description: The EUKRES project aims at developing a strong, coherent and sustainable digital ecosystem in Ukrainian HEIs to enhance Ukraine’s socio-cultural and academic standing as a candidate state for EU membership through building on European language certification practices and designing a comparable recognition model for the standardized test of Ukrainian as a foreign language, available in a digital format, with its approbation for quality assessment; reviewing effective mechanisms of inter-institutional digital educational platforms across HEIs in EU member-states and setting up a multilateral collaborative network of Ukrainian studies centers among HEIs of Ukraine and EU by establishing a digital platform and biannual online conferences to co-ordinate their efforts proactively; providing training for academic staff of Ukrainian HEIs delivering online and distance learning courses in Ukrainian Studies as part of European Studies through the digital platform, supporting digitalization and creating an online platform-linked library of reference sources and educational materials in Ukrainian language, culture and history, jointly updating the content of curricula, devising relevant and learner-centred digital study material, piloting online specialized courses in Ukrainian language, culture and history, and developing new continuous education university courses in Ukrainian Studies for people of all ages and backgrounds

Source of funding: European Union

Project title: Joint Diploma in Romance Languages

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: University of Milan

Short project description: Joint Diplomas in Romance Languages is a potential project for students of the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Milan and the Department of French and Spanish Philology at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Project title: Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (BMU-MID) – Mobilities for Innovation and Development

Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: Moldova State University

Term of implementation: 2011-2016

Short project description: BMU-MID consortium task is to create an active network of Belarusian, Moldovan, Ukrainian and European universities for cooperation on a multilateral and interdisciplinary basis in research, training, and exchange of experiences. The system of academic mobility of the consortium promotes international cooperation between Belarusian, Moldovan, Ukrainian and European universities.

Link to the website where the project is described and presented in detail.


Collaboration on a project with which EaPUC partner university: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Term of implementation: 2012-2016

Short project description: The main themes and priorities of the project is to promote the reform and modernization of higher education in the partner countries; to build up the capacity of higher education institutions in the partner countries and the EU, in particular for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, and to assist them in opening themselves up to society at large; to enhance networking among higher education institutions and research institutions across the Partner Countries and EU Member States.

Links to the website where the project is described and presented in detail.

Last change: October 25, 2023 14:50